
The light that shines on the brightest stars only shields the eyes from the deepest galaxies.

Succulents and Self-Care

I read somewhere, a while back, that owning plants or pets improves ones physiological and mental state.   Although some days it may be hard to take care of just yourself, having something who's life relies on your ability to take care of it can help make that a little bit of a task.  I'v... Continue Reading →


  Sometimes the greatest treasures lie right beneath your nose.   Or perhaps under your toes, hidden under the cover of dark water.   Lapping softly against the shore, it's voice echoes in perfect rhythm.   The beat of your heart, the cadence of your breath.   All just waiting, only to be discovered, or hidden... Continue Reading →


these cold brick walls painted a warm yellow as if to offer some sort of consolation for its imprisonment   large windows, showing the beautify of the outdoors -- so far, unreachable   words of natura, appreciation "one must preserve, protect" but instead, we sit   wasting countless minutes, hours   one's we'll never get... Continue Reading →

Part of Me

"You don't have to become one with your environment . . . because you are already a part of it" -- Meredith Davies Hadaway


Sometimes what you're looking for, comes when you're not looking at all.  Around the darkest corner of your journey may lie your greatest joys and memories, but only the road will tell


Pushing through the chains that weigh them down, only the strongest persevere and thrive in an environment where everything is against them

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